Michelle Sass Aleckson
Nice to meet you!
I'm Michelle and I write love stories.
After growing up on both the east and west coasts, I'm now living the country life in central Minnesota with my own hero, Jesse, and our four kids. I rock out to 80's music on a Saturday night, enjoy playing Balderdash with the fam or TTR with my girlfriends. I'm not picky about coffee or tea, but I'm a Coke-a-Cola girl all the way. These days it happens to be the caffiene-free diet version. And if you're wondering, yes, Sass is my maiden name. ;)
I love stories that shine grace. Where good overcomes evil. Where swoon-worthy heroes and strong yet vulnerable heroines fall in love. Where characters struggle and yet triumph as God's truth penetrates and transforms them. I love it because it's the journey we're all on.
I'd love to meet you and hear some of your story! Drop me a line via email or social media, and let's connect.
Thanks so much for stopping by!